Monday, November 26, 2007

The first of many inconsequential ramblings

Back in July 07, I decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon and registered for blogger...

...and that's where my blogging adventure has stalled to date.

So, on this glorious spring evening in Sydney, whilst waiting for a call to pick up my wife from the airport, I decided to tackle the task that has eluded my attention for some 5 months.

Why the delay? Is it a lack of ideas? Or possibly a lack of time? I'd like to think the latter but I'll let others be the judge of that.

So, in the interests of democracy - there's a nice segue into one of the potential topics - I'm going to give you, the reader the opportunity to decide on the subject of the next inconsequential rambling.

Here's the initial two options, as you can see, vastly different subjects:
  • Swing applications in the current world
  • Australia Election 2007
So, you have until I have finished making a cup of coffee, or grabbed a beer - haven't decided which yet - to comment on this post to let me know which you'd prefer.

Yes, I know this is a shameless attempt to drive traffic to this inaugural posting but there you have it.

Clock's ticking....

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